JCC performing arts

The JCC has a long history in supporting the performing arts, providing a wide range of onstage musical and dance performance opportunities for both performers and viewers.
Performance facilities with A/V capabilities and stage and theater-style seating include Levinson Hall, Kaufmann Performing Arts center.
Children and Teens Programs
The JCC School of Dance
The JCC School of Dance offers a curriculum that provides participants from pre-school through adults with unique, creative experiences that emphasize fun and learning. We encourage creative exploration in a non-competitive atmosphere that fosters self-confidence, self-esteem and independence. Dance recitals are held annually.
Musicals in which children and teens can develop as performers are staged three times a year: The Middle School Musical, The High School Musical and Performing Arts Camp.

Adults programs
For Adults: The AgeWell at the JCC Choral Group meets weekly and performs at senior centers and other locations.

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