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JCC Mindfulness and Wellness

Healthy and Whole

The Hebrew words Guf Bari V’Shalem, Healthy and Whole Body, from the writings of the revered 12th century rabbi and physician Moses Maimonides, reflect on the JCC’s mission that the health of the soul cannot be achieved without taking care of the body.

Our wellness services and programs provide a vital complement to each individual’s fitness practice.

Participants of Awaken Pittsburgh class in a squat with their hands in prayer

Mindfulness Meditation (in-person and on-line)

Awaken Pittsburgh offers three monthly guided meditations open to anyone.   This is a chance to practice mindfulness in community together.


Each session follows the same format: introductions, a period of guided meditation, and then a chance to support one another, discuss how our meditations are going at home, and ask any questions we have about practice.

Pre-registration, via the links provided, helps us to prepare and ensure that we have room for everyone.

Awaken Pittsburgh logo

Upcoming Mindfulness Training Sessions at the JCC:

Squirrel Hill:

2nd Saturday of each month, 8:30-9:30 am. Register HERE

3rd Monday of each month, 7-8 pm. Register HERE

South Hills:

1st Tuesday of each month, 1-2 pm. Register HERE

Essential Mindfulness Training for Educators, Youth, Therapists, Employers, and Those in Helping or High-Stress Professions

Awaken Pittsburgh is a non-profit organization committed to serving people, communities and society at large through evidence-based meditation and mindfulness programs. We are the region’s “go-to” mindfulness resource. We seek to create positive, systemic change in our backyards–and beyond–by teaching lifelong skills that have the power to transform lives.


Group of people high-fiving after a workout class

Fitness & Wellness Foundations

• $60 
For more info, contact Marsha Mullen.

This program is for:


  • Sedentary individuals who want to begin an exercise program
  • Individuals who have been diagnosed with a chronic disease or risk factors for disease including cardiovascular risk factors • Pre/post orthopedic surgery candidates
  • Individuals transitioning from physical therapy or cardiac rehabilitation
  • Individuals who want to use exercise and lifestyle modification to prevent disease 

Program Includes: 


  • Customized evaluation
  • 2 weekly small group training sessions with medical fitness experts for 8 weeks
  • Nutrition education
  • Access to indoor pools, all JCC fitness facilities, strength and cardiovascular equipment and JCC amenities
  • Small Group Training Sessions:
    • Mondays • 10 am-11:30 am or 1 pm-2 pm
    • Wednesdays • 9:30 am-11:15 am
    • Thursday • 1 pm-2 pm

Phase Three Cardiac Rehabilitation

Cardiac rehabilitation is a program that helps people maintain a healthy lifestyle after a cardiac event: Phase 3 focuses on increasing flexibility, aerobic conditioning, and strength. 

It also helps people learn to monitor themselves and be more independent. 

It includes supervised and self-structured exercise sessions, health education, and support from a multidisciplinary team. 

Exercises may include using gym equipment, resistance bands, weights, and body weight. 

This program is also appropriate for the following population:


  • Individuals transitioning from physical therapy or cardiac rehabilitation
  • Individuals who have been diagnosed with a chronic disease or risk factors for disease including cardiovascular risk factors 
  • Sedentary individuals who want to begin an exercise program 
  • Pre/post orthopedic surgery candidates 
  • Individuals who want to use exercise and lifestyle modification to prevent disease 

Program Includes: 


  • Customized evaluation
  • Weekly small group training sessions with a medical fitness expert
  • Nutrition education 
  • Access to indoor pools, all JCC fitness facilities, strength and cardiovascular equipment and JCC amenities 
  • Supervised Exercise Times:
    • Mondays 10 am-11:30 am or 1 pm-2 pm
    • Wednesdays 9:30 am-11:15 am 
    • Thursday 1 pm-2 pm 


  • Non-member: $60 a month 
  • General member: $45 a month 
  • Platinum member: $30

Register online or at the JCC membership desk

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