The Second Floor Teen Center at the JCC: Grades 6-12

Located at the JCC in Squirrel Hill, the Second Floor is a semi-supervised community hub open daily for teens to connect with other teens, engage in fun, educational, and meaningful Jewish programming, and enjoy unlimited snacks, games, and more. The Second Floor is the community’s most coveted spot to hang out with friends and for Jewish organizations serving the teen community to gather for meetings, programs, and events.
Our Peer Engagement Interns and staff are always available to welcome new members and share all that the Second Floor has to offer. Stop by whether it’s just to grab a snack, hang out with friends, try something new, or sign up to participate in a program. Find us on Instagram and Facebook for a daily look into life on the Second Floor!
Hours of Operation
- Monday–Thursday 2-5:30 pm
- Friday 2-5 pm
Free Membership to The Second Floor Teen Center at the JCC!
The Second Floor Teen Center Membership is available to 6th-grade through 12th-grade teen members and non-members of the JCC. The Second Floor membership gives you a non-member JCC access card to the Robinson Building (5738 Darlington) of the Sq. Hill JCC from 2–5:30 pm Monday through Thursday, and 2–5 pm on Friday. The Second Floor is always staffed by at least one employee when open.
Contact: Jenna Baker for more information.

The Second Floor is open and accessible to every teen, regardless of race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or special need by welcoming individuals of all backgrounds, embracing their uniqueness and diversity under our communal tent.
We strive to create connections among teens and their family, friends and peers. We encourage teens to be the most authentic version of themselves through the lens of strong Jewish values and morals. Our facilities and experiences create an atmosphere of safety and fun for each person involved.
The Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh may refuse acceptance of any teen who they believe is not suited to be in the Second Floor environment. Any teen who demonstrates inappropriate behavior may be asked to leave the Second Floor prior to their choosing. Any teen who violates any of the expectations below may have their membership revoked at the discretion of the Teen Engagement staff.
- All members are required to check in or use their JCC swipe card upon entrance to the building.
- Membership cards are non-transferable and are only to be used by the person named on the card.
- Members and guests are required to adhere to the posted schedules for usage of all our facilities.
- We expect persons using the JCC to behave in a mature and responsible way, and to respect the rights and dignity of other members, guests, visitors and staff.
- Members and guests shall report any suspicious or inappropriate behavior to the JCC staff. JCC staff
- members are eager to be of assistance. Members and guests should not hesitate to notify a staff member if assistance is needed.
- Members and guests are not permitted to post flyers, posters and/or announcements on JCC bulletin boards. Teens wishing to advertise programs can speak to staff members of The Second Floor about promoting things together
Members and guests will not engage in any of the following prohibited actions that include but are not limited to:
- Angry or vulgar language, including swearing, name-calling or shouting.
- Physical contact with another person in any angry way or threatening way
- Any demonstration of sexual activity or sexual contact with another person
- Harassment or intimidation by words, gestures, body language or any menacing behavior
- Theft or behavior that results in destruction of property.
- Carrying or concealing any weapons or devices or objects that may be perceived as weapons.
- Smoking/vaping is not permitted in or outside the JCC.
- Use or possessions of illegal chemicals or alcohol on JCC property, in JCC vehicles or at JCC sponsored programs.
- Loitering is not permitted in or outside the JCC.
- Any other conduct of an inappropriate, threatening, or offensive nature.

Because The Second Floor Teen Center is a pluralistic space, we welcome teens to bring any food they want to eat to the center. All the food we serve or provide at The Second Floor is certified kosher. We have paper plates and utensils for teens who require those items to be kosher. The minhag (custom) of The Second Floor is to accept all hechshers/rabbinic certifications.
If you or your teen is involved in one of our programs and has a dietary restriction or adheres to a different level of kashrut, let us know and we will do our best to accommodate them!
Contact: Email Dr. Maria Carson for more information.

The Second Floor Teen Center has access to one of the basketball courts in the ground level of the Robinson Building for select horus of the day. The basketball court closes a half an hour before the Teen Center closes and is closed on select days for outside programming. No food is to be consumed in the court, but there are benches available for people who want to watch from the sidelines!
Contact: Jenna Baker for more information.

If you like art, we have a project (or projects!) for you! We have paint, canvasses, temporary tattoos, face paint, rainbow loom, button makers, adult coloring books, jewelry-making, embroidery, and more!
Contact: Dr. Maria Carson for more information!

Celebrate with us! The Second Floor Teen Center provides holiday programming for the following holidays or festive days: Welcome Back to the School Year, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Tu B’shvat, Purim, Passover, Yom HaShoah, Yom Ha’atzmaut, Yom Ha’Zikaron, Shavuot and Graduation.
Most, if not all of these holidays are celebrated with us at The Second Floor Teen Center around the time of the holiday, not on the holiday itself. This allows our members to celebrate these meaningful holidays with their various home and religious communities.
We also have occasional pop-up programming throughout the year – you never know what fun thing we will be working on now!
Contact: Dr. Maria Carson for more information.

We have a selection of video games and board games for our members to use when available. From Apples to Apples to Super Smash Brothers – we’ve got it!
Contact: Jenna Baker for more information.

The Second Floor has a selection of personal hygiene products available for teens who need them. Please speak to a staff member on the Second Floor to access these items.
We have:
- Shampoo and conditioner
- Soap
- Toothbrushes and toothpaste
- Floss
- Deodorant
- Combs and brushes
- Feminine hygiene products
Contact: Rebecca Kahn for more information.

When PPS has a scheduled half day on Fridays throughout the year, The Second Floor Teen Center opens at 11am and serves a kosher pizza lunch to our members. Most Fridays we have a lunch & learn program to talk about a timely issue.
Contact: Dr. Maria Carson for more information.
Contact Us
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