JCC Teens activities
THE Second floor at the jcc
The Second Floor Teen Center at the JCC:
Grades 6-12
Located at the JCC in Squirrel Hill, the Second Floor is a community hub open daily for teens to connect with other teens, engage in fun, educational and meaningful Jewish programming and enjoy unlimited snacks, games, and more. The Second Floor is the community’s most coveted spot to hang out with friends and for Jewish organizations serving the teen community to gather for meetings, programs and events.
Our Peer Engagement Interns and staff are always available to welcome new members and share all that the Second Floor has to offer. Stop by whether it’s just to grab a snack, hang out with friends, try something new, or sign up to participate in a program. Find us on Instagram and Facebook @thesecondfloorpgh for a daily look into life on the Second Floor!
Hours of Operation
- Monday–Thursday 2-5:30 pm
- Friday 2-5 pm
Free Membership to The Second Floor Teen Center at the JCC!
The Second Floor Teen Center Membership is available to 6th grade through 12th grade teens members and non-members of the JCC. The Second Floor membership gives you a non-member JCC access card to the Robinson Building (5738 Darlington) of the Sq. Hill JCC from 1–5.30 pm Monday through Thursday, and 1–5 pm on Friday.
The Second Floor is open daily for teens to enjoy unlimited snacks and coffee, Netflix, PlayStation, Xbox, and more. The Second Floor is always staffed by at least one employee when open.
For more information, email Jenna Baker.
Kashrut (Kosher) Foods Policy
Because The Second Floor Teen Center is a pluralistic space, we welcome teens to bring any food they want to eat to the center. All the food we serve or provide at The Second Floor is certified kosher. We have paper plates and utensils for teens who require those items to be kosher. The minhag (custom) of The Second Floor is to accept all hechshers/rabbinic certifications.
If you or your teen is involved in one of our programs and has a dietary restriction or adheres to a different level of kashrut, let us know and we will do our best to accommodate them! Email Maria Carson for more info.
Contact Us
Write to us. We’re here to help!
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